Saturday, September 11, 2010

BS completed

103 CUs in under four  Glad to be done, but now I have to get some of these projects completed.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Finished the capstone...I think

Still waiting on feedback on the documentation.  I also have to submit the videos of the project in use.  If I get that recorded and submitted by tomorrow close of business, I finished 103 CUs in 3.5 months...My brain hurts.  When I get the videos posted, the code and videos will be a separate blog.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Almost done with the BS.

WGU was really a good idea for me.  The capstone is slowing me down a bit though.  This is just a place holder until I migrate some content from my website.

Projects I have going at the moment:

BS Capstone project - a gui tool to automate common tasks and accumulate gathered data.

Update freeradius patch to 2.1.9 and get a working .deb build on i386 and 64 targets.

Starting a compatibility layer for hostapd so monitor interfaces with injection act like a master.  What a pain it is to have to buy master mode hardware - yes I know this will make processing slower.

Looking into reimplementing EAP-jack as a freeradius-wpe component.

Man do I have a lot to do.  Maybe I can use some of this in the MS capstone when I get there.

Graduation from the BS program and MS enrollment by December.  Total college debt? ~=3k.

Okay, think I'm done.